Sunday, July 31, 2011

An Amazing Person Destined For Amazing Things

In April I went on and watched one of Charlie McDonnell's new videos: Cooking With Charlie, and of course recognized Charlie and Michael Aranda. There was one other person that I didn't know though so, of course, I checked out her youtube channel. After watching two or three of her vlogs, I was hooked and the rest as they say is history. Today I still watch her blogs just for a laugh and a sprinkle of inspiration and happiness. The person I am talking about is the wonderful Cassandra Croft aka NerdzRL aka Nerdz4L! Welcome to the blog Cassandra! ...Sorry. I've never actually really talked to her... Maybe I'll send her a letter! In the mean time, no interview from my second childhood hero, the first being J.K. Rowling.

Moving on to the reason for telling you all of this. There is a game of sorts called King of the Web. According to this is what it is:

King of the Web is a free-to-play online game of skill and persuasion in which players create campaigns and solicit votes in a competition for cash, prizes, and recognition.
King of the Web is also a place where you vote for who and what is awesome on the web.

What Cassandra and her 12,000+ subscribers on youtube would love is if you would vote for her to become this months King Of The Web!!!!!! Please?  Vote Here!  Watch some of her vlogs. You never know, you may like them. They may become the daily things that make your day. 

Where ever you are, I hope you have a goodnight. 

Soon to be FTB-Snowfire... but not really. 

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